Thursday, March 4, 2010

European Encounters and Absolutism in France, Blog assignment

In the 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue....

Adam Smith said " the discovery of the new world was the greatest discovery of the world."
In 15th century, there were a lot of preconditions in order for Columbus to sail the ocean blue. The Spanish sailors had to invent a new type of boat that could with stand long voyages, hold large cargos and be able to float in shallow water as well the oceans winds. This boat was called Caravel. the first islands Columbus discovered were the Canaries, the Aeores and the Madeira's Islands. If the natives of these islands did not convert to Christanity, they were killed or enslaved. Also, the Europeans destroyed the farming and landscape by using the European's farming tactics. A positive aspect of the discovery of the new world is it did immense amounts for Spain economically. Spain shipped 181 tons of Gold and 16,000 tons of Silver home from the new world. This caused inflation in Spain to increase five fold.

Louis XIII was took the throne in the early 17th century. However, Louis XIII suffered from depression and appointed Cardinal Richelieu as his chief minister. Cardinal Richelieu used four tactics to centralize France. These include: eliminating the Protestant minority called Hugenots, reminding the French nobles the kings are in charge, making people say "first I'm french", or installing a sense of national pride and making the crown an absolute power. Louis XIII feared a rebellion from the protestants so he took control of the city and revoked parts of the Edict of Nantes. Cardinal Richelieu took an interest in building greater war ships for the Atlantic and the Mediterrean and building the French army. In 1642, Cardinal Richelieu dies and Louis XIII dies the year after.

Louis XIV takes the throne at the age of five. So naturally, his mother and the appointed minister hand picked by Richelieu named Mazarin help rule until he can. Once Louis XIV came to power, he had three significant supervisors, that he met with every week. They were the department of war, finance and foreign affairs and interior. In 1685, he revokes the entire Edict of Nantes. This causes the exodus of Huguenots. 15,000 famillies leave France and this looks very bad upon France publicly. When Louis XIV dies, he leaves his country devastated in money and population because of the many wars he fought to gain power and the inmense famines.

This is a picture of the room that Henry XIV visited in July 1650. He gave a portrait of himself. (see below)

Here is a website for further information on Columbus.

Lindsey Cornwall
Carlee Lewis
Charlotte Brown

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