Wednesday, March 3, 2010

More things to know before you come!

you have to clean every week (although I think I forgot to this week, Ill check on it tomorrow after class)

you have to cook dinner

you have to attend 4 movie nights while you are here, yeah..REQUIRED

you have way more homework that back in the states....i miss lecture, lecture, lecture, lecture, lecture, lecture, test
here, its homework, document, read this, read that, homework, movie night, cook, read this, write this paper, write that paper...blah blah blah....

printing costs 10 cents euro per page...

the pictures of the abbey are beautiful, too bad you only get to see 3 hallways...


and most of the people in charge here seem to actually care, which is something that is better than school in the states....

just wish i had a little more free time to enjoy myself....

if you plan on traveling on the weekends, get ready for an all-nighter when you get back on sunday

most of all, expect the unexpected and live in the moment....

[and if you go to midwestern state university, all the transfer credits have no value towards your, essentially, it is all pass/fail, so.....i dont really know why im stressing....

bring nyquil, allergy meds, benadryl, etc, because you will get sick

tell your family you love them before you i learned the hard way, they may pass on while you are here, and it could be your last time to see them

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