Saturday, February 27, 2010

more vital information for your everyday life

1st.....when you get to the abbey, after your 10 hr flight and 3 hr bus ride...and you feel exhausted, look like shit, and the first effects of jet-lag are creeping up on you, they take a picture of you..blow it up, and hang it in the office, so make sure you spend the time on the bus prettying yourself up, because my picture was awful

2nd...if you like to eat late at night, you are screwed...they close the kitchen at, basically they are promoting anorexia....lame, i know....(just store all the food that doesnt have to be chilled in your room) its still annoying tho, if you have a midnight craving for cheese or a hotpocket, or anything that needs to be cooked or microwaved......

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