Saturday, April 24, 2010

Be prepared!

Most everybody that signs up for this program probably has the same impression as I did before I came, which is that its gonna be awesome to get all these classes away in such a short semester and only meeting two times a week makes it a piece of cake. Its not quite like that. Everybody here at the abbey is required to take at least 12 hours, that is, 4 classes. Unfortunately, these classes are not as easy as they sound, because they are very time consuming with all the homework/assigned reading and a the classtime takes up a good portion of your day. Towards the end of the semester, the homework gets really rough and there's not much time for leisure because they pile it all on at once. All I'm saying is that you should be careful choosing your classes. Dont load yourself on with all your core classes, but take some fun classes as well. A good idea might even be to take online classes; they could be easier. I have found my free time slipping away little by little. Plus, after that long three weeks without any classes or obligations, coming back to loads of boring core classes can really be a burden. Another thing: check to see which of the classes that are offered actually count towards your major and if there are related classes to a class you might need, such as an english class that is not exactly the number you need but might be an upper-level course, check to see if you can get credit for your needed core class by taking that one; they are plenty willing to work with you on this.

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