Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ghost Walk

The Ghost Walk was this amazing production that the Abbey students and Administrators created where we told the legends and history of the town through costumes and props made out of plastic, empty tea bags and just about anything else we could find.

At first I thought It was an in-class assignment I had know idea it would turn out so well. Just about every student at the Abbey played a part whether it was playing a character, throwing tea bags, singing, lighting candles, a fairy like myself or being a speaker telling all the legends to the people of Pontlevoy or being backstage helping put it all together.

I am very proud to be a part of something that I felt really brought us students and the town closer together. It was important to show them we were interested in the town's history and the legends that it holds. Were not visitors in Pontlevoy anymore, I think I can speak for myself and the rest of my friends here and say the Abbey is our home and the town and its people are apart of our family.

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