Thursday, May 6, 2010

Advantages for Staying in Pontlevoy!!

When I was planning out how much money I would need to bring with me to France, I the Idea in my mind that I was going to travel every weekend! I had the mindset of, I am in Europe so I am going to take advantage of it and travel a lot. At the end of this experience I have only traveled one weekend away from Pontlevoy and that was to Pisa. If you are on a budget and unable to travel every weekend do not stress out. Because I have stayed in town most weekends I have been able to experience things that maybe not necassarily every student has. Staying in town gives you an opportunity to really get to know some of the locals in town. Every weekend there has been some sort of party or event that the locals have asked some of us to be apart of. In addition, there are many day trips that the Abbey has designed for you to experience whats close to where we are staying. We have been to Mushroom caves, Chateaus, Tour, Blois, boat trips, etc. Also, if you plan staying in Pontlevoy it would be a good idea get a host family. This is yet another way that you can experience more of French culture by getting to know the people. I was worried about getting a host family because I thought it would take time away from things I wanted to do. This is not true. Your host families know that you are here to experience France and that everyone has specific things that they want to do before they leave. They will not pressure you into doing something you do not want to do, and do not feel obligated to spend every moment with them. Its nice to have a host family one because they cook really good food for you, and second they sometimes will take you on small trips on the weekend! I have really enjoyed staying in Pontelvoy during my stay in France. I have made a lot of new friends because of it, so I recomend that you do the same!

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