Friday, May 7, 2010

Advice for Future Students

Traveling at the Abbey can be tricky.  There is so much to think about when planning a trip.  Where will you go, how do you get tickets to Paris and tickets to your destination, will you take the train or a plane, where are you going to stay... the list goes on for eternity.  However, the most important question is, DO I WANT TO GO?  During our orientation during the first few week, Dr. Mackaman told us to be selfish on this experience.  This is a time to explore Europe and ourselves.  Don't always do everything your friends do if it's not what you want to do.  I can assure you that traveling with your friends is amazing!  But traveling with new friends is great too!  Your old friends may not always want to go the same places as you.  You may not be able to afford a weekend in Switzerland.  So you do what you want and can do, and allow your friends to do what they want too.  If it matches up, that's great, if not, that's great too! 

I came on this trip with three of my very best friends from Southern (one from high school too).  There were trips that we all didn't go on together, but I still had the best time with the people I was with! 

Understand that this trip is going to change your life.  You will find things our about yourself that you didn't even know were there.  You will find out your flaws and your strengths as a person.  Don't be discouraged though.  Just learn from it.  Studying abroad this semester has been the best experience of my life.  I cannot imagine not having had this experience.  I hope that where ever life takes my new Abbey family, they will keep in touch and always remember the amazing semester we had here!  I love everyone I've met here and will miss everyone!  I am so excited for and jealous of future Abbey classes because their experiences haven't happened yet. 

Enjoy the time you have in Pontlevoy because once it's gone, you're done.  Enjoy the people you're with and the lessons learned because it all will shape you into a better individual!  Take what you have learn here and take it to the rest of the world.

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