Thursday, May 6, 2010


Traveling during spring break was amazing. Me and a group of my friends went to to Venice, and Rome in Italy and also Santorini in Greece. We had so much fun in all those places but my favorite was Rome. Rome was like no other the atmosphere just seemed right. Even though it is very touristy i like it a lot i guess cause the environment mad me feel like i was at home in the states. We stayed in Rome for three and a half days. when we first got there we had checked into our hotel called Hotel Texas. It was in a multiplex building. On the first floor of the building it was a doctor's office and the second floor was a lawyers office and the third floor was our hotel. Now this experience getting to our room was not an easy one, we had to carry all our bags around trying to find the hotel and then we had to walk up all those flights of stairs before we actually got to our room. So please back light cause half of the clothes i brought with me i didn't even wear half of them and think of the souvenirs that you are going to buy to make your luggage heavier. After we got situated in the hotel we left there and went to the famous Roman Coliseum. It was so fun there. It was people everywhere, they also had people dressed upped like gladiators. They were creepy at times one wanted me to come with him to some random place for five minutes, dude must have been crazy if he thought i was going to go with him anywhere. All the people there are not creepy they like to take picture with you so they can get tips. After we left there we went to see the ruins and other historical sites. We also saw the beautiful Trevor fountain. we went to see the Spanish steps. It was just so much to see!I also found out that they had a burger king in Rome that was like my happiest moment on the trip cause that is my favorite fast food restaurant. we had a regular pizza place that we went to and it was really cheap and it was right down the street from the hotel. there is also a McDonald's right on the corner down the street from the hotel. we also we to Vatican city while we was there that was also a very cool experience i just feel like Rome was fun and a really nice place to site see because it was warm when we went and it made the experience ten times greater.

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