Thursday, May 6, 2010


When i heard that there was a computer lab here at the Abbey of course i didn't think to much of it. But when the thought actually ran through my mind, i pictured there being a room with two rows of like three or four computers each like a normal small lab with a printer in the back of the room or whatever. Boy was i wrong!!!! I didn't really care about the computer lab that much because i brought my own computer it was just that i didn't think they had one. So as curious as i was, i walked down the hall and when I reached the door with the label "Computer Lab" on it i opened the door and to my surprise i saw basically nothing. lol. i saw a room that is the same size as the other classrooms with only 3 computers and they are against opposing walls so the middle of the floor is empty. i know i wasn't expecting anything extravagant but i really was not expecting that. All i could do was smile. The only thing i was not expecting about the classrooms were how the tables were arranged. i didn't know they were going to be pushed together causing one long table with a couple on the sides. Man the Abbey is full of surprises.

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