Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Few Ways to Save Some Money by: Audie

Now, if you're a college student like me, who shops for the best bargain, can find anything great on a clearance rack and knows all the best dinner deals around town, this advice may be helpful for you.

1. Remember that the euro is stronger than the us dollar. My trick was to think that a 4 euro sandwich was really 8 dollars. You won't be as shocked when you spend 100 euros in one day.

2. All of the most expensive restaurants, bars, clothing boutiques and souvenir shops are around the touristy spots (Eiffel Tower, London Eye, Vatican City, etc). Look a few blocks away from these places. The quality of the food and clothing are ten times better and usually a LOT cheaper. Take 5 minutes and walk a little further.

3. Don't forget to use your International Student ID card. This has saved me a few bucks at museums and things like that. Just ask!

4. Two words: Happy Hour. In Paris, the average cost for a glass of wine is about 10 euro, for a basic white or red. Go to a bar an hour earlier than you normally would, and the glasses can be as cheap as 3!

5. When you travel, write down EVERY purchase that you make on a slip of paper in your wallet. Those cups of coffee and taxi fares will add up. Don't be surprised a few days later when you max your credit card or reach your loan limit.

6. Get familiar with the metro system. In my opinion, the best and easiest systems are in London and Paris. Buy a 3 day pass if you're there for a weekend. Saves TONS of money. Taxis can be SO expensive. "MIND THE GAP!"

7. Decide beforehand on how you want to travel during spring break. Will you fly or take trains? How many countries will you travel through? A EuraRail pass may be for you. Some of my friends never used theirs. Proper planning will save you money, especially if you book your flights MONTHS ahead. RyanAir flights can be as cheap as 10.99!

8. Mom and Dad don't need an I Love Paris shirt. The end. Or your aunts. Or your cousins. Or your room-mate. Send them a postcard. You'll also save luggage space.

9. Stay away from American chain restaurants unless you absolutely want to go or have no other option. They are always A LOT more expensive than back home.

10. Lastly, don't stress about your money situation if you have to be on a budget. Take advantages of free walking tours or a picnic in the park. Little things like that can help you really take in the scenery of your spring break destinations!

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