Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It's gettin hot in herrrre!

WOOOOO! so the class is discussing women's suffrage and all that jazz...i swear this is the most i think i have heard the class as a whole speak.  i didn't want it to stop! the whole discussion was based on the primary source  The Struggle for the Right to Vote and just took off on its own.  We looked at images of the ideal woman and 'other' women.  Typically the ideal woman is everything you would think of.  She's prim and proper, she's motherly, she's a lady and she's also a wife.  I'm all about admiring the ideal women but to a certain extent.  This one image portrayed the wife and someone noticed that she was still beneath him while comforting him :O.  I cannot image having to live up to those standards of hanging off of a man and not being able to stand on your own.  If Victorian women could see us now the things they would say...well not really b/c they didn't believe in speaking publicly. BULL!! As messed up a generation of young women we are sometimes, I am glad that i was raised by an independent woman and was taught by many that it is important to be self reliable its not just about depending on men but depending on ANYONE is not always the best. If i could quote my mother on one thing she has taught me it would be to never depend on a man for anything. I still live by that statement today and will teach that to my children.

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